
on the loose:

1. Or: loose , unmarried. S/He's on the loose .

2. Sexually accessible, more often said of a woman . Loose implies loose morals and easy-virtue . ' To go-on-the-loose ', to fornicate (indiscriminately); ' to be-on-the-loose ', to be engaged in-the-life or business of prostitution . See prostitution for synonyms.

See Also: banbury, bed bargain, ben's gran, boxer shorts, boxers, chemise, crackish, gay wench, grousegrunt, hobbler, hobeast, hopped-up job, immoral girl, Lincoln tunnel, loose, loose kirtle, loose-gowned woman, loose-hilted woman, loose-legged woman, on the loose, pleaser, punchboard, slapper, trollymog, zipper morals

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